
Monday, August 29, 2011

Another Head Band

 We made up another headband. This one is made from one of my favorite rosy prints by Grand Revival~along with some vintage crochet trim and seam binding....
I can see how these could be addicting to make. I have so many smallish pieces of fabrics and trims I hoard ~I should have enough to make quite a few!
Also plans to make some brooches~and felt flower brooches...Lots of goals let's see what I get accomplished...
What are you working on today?

P.S~ via a comment here on my blog-I've discovered a lovely new blog called millefeuilles.She lives in Tours- I lived near Tours when I was younger and went to school there for awhile! Anyway, she has a giveaway for a beautiful book and a knitting pattern ~going on til September 11...Check it out via the link :)


  1. Dear Andrea,

    Thank you so much for the link to my giveaway. I must say I am not surprised you have so MANY followers. Your blog is beautiful.

    Warmest wishes,


  2. Such a sweet project! I once made an article about Tanya Wheelan from Grand Revival - love her designs!


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I really appreciate and read all of your comments.
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Have a happy, creative day.