
Sunday, December 11, 2011


This past month I have been so lucky to have won a few giveaways in blogland :)

Yesterday, I received these goodies in the mail from  Lola Nova:

 The wallet that was featured in the Mollie Makes magazine(!).

She also sent along this cute felt ornament.

I love the tags and packaging too ;)

I've been busy (blog absent)these past few weeks, with family visiting from out of state~ which is always hard when good byes must be said...
Ive done this my whole life, either as the one who comes, or the one who goes... and it never gets easier  :(
Time to make some decisions about where I really want to be.

And finishing up Christmas presents.
Today we'll get and decorate our tree.

How about you~what have you been up to?


  1. Chritmas time is family time, so, it's great you got to see your people! My family is widely spread too and i don't see them often, which is a pity! Have a sweet day Andrea!

  2. what a lovely prize!!!!!
    you're so lucky!!!
    I'm having a giveaway too that ends today...if you would like to partecipate!! :O)

  3. Your magazine will be packaged up today my friend. xoxoxo Happy new week.


Thank you so much for reading my blog!
I really appreciate and read all of your comments.
I will try my best to reply here, within the comments section, or else on your own blog if you have one.
Have a happy, creative day.