Thanks so much for sharing the projects you're working on~ it's fun to read about what you all are doing :)
I've seen some skirts around etsy and the internet, and I thought it would be fun to make something similar myself using an Amy Butler pattern I've had for -since it probably came out years ago-and never did anything with ;0, and some of my favorite
Anna Maria Horner prints~ the one with the big blue rose ;)
However I do not have enough of course, and the pattern with the apron overlay, that I want to do~ requires lots of fabric.
Nevermind that I rarely wear skirts but the one I'm envisioning-I can envision wearing ;)
So my Mom and I went to a 'mom and pop' fabric shop yesterday ~only one of 2 that I know of within 2 hours of us, that carries AMH fabrics. They didn't have everything I needed, but I think it'll take awhile to collect all the yardage necessary in the prints I want anyway.This may be a long-term project(!)
Once at the shop, and perhaps inspired by all of the pretty fabrics, I suddenly 'remembered' some projects that I wanted to work on...
Some headbands perhaps?
gorgeous fabrics.. I love fabric.. I love colors.. You are an inspiration because I can see you are quite the fabric person yourself!!! Off to start my day! Thanks for the lift!