
Friday, May 25, 2012

Long Weekend

Tomorrow I will be going, as a visitor, to a local Farmer's Market to see if it seems worth my while to rent a space. My aunt is going to show her paintings there...I'll try and get a photo to share here....

Yesterday I made some little 'Moleskine' notebook cover/organizers. I have a few different sizes of Moleskine notebooks and sketchbooks. These are quite small(3.5 x 5.5 inches) and are sketchbooks. I've got ideas I keep meaning to sketch and forget so I will have to make a cover/organizer for myself too...

The inside has a pocket for the sketchbook which I'm including, a pen(not including ;) and another little pocket perhaps for a notepad or papers...
I meant to use the linen on the outside, but got carried away and stitched the pocket to the linen. I think I like it this way tho'....
I added some of my favorite buttons to the front...

It's in the shop now-and a pink version will be on it's way soon...

Have a cheery weekend! Do you have any fun plans planned? :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Andrea!!!!
    I loooove that moleskine!!!!
    so cute and sweet with the large size lace!!!!
    I'm going to sew something this week end as finally I've got back my sewing machine!!!
    I wish you a sooooo lovely week end!!!!


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Have a happy, creative day.