
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Shabby Apple Winner

We Have A Winner!!
The winner of the Shabby Apple Giveaway is Heather!!

 names go in the hat

choosing a name at random

 who said:

Oooh, what a great giveaway! I 'liked' them long ago on FB so I'm already there! I love so many of their dresses...I really love the cut and color of 'cider' though. Beautiful!
Its also equally difficult to decide from your shop! Your french purse makes my heart skip a beat. So sweet!

Thanks to all who entered :)


  1. Ohh! What a great start of my day! Thank you Andrea and thank you Shabby Apple. I am so thrilled with all the shopping possibilities!
    Funny enough, we just adopted a little kitty yesterday who we named...Coco! Although I think it's turned out to be a boy so we might have to change it to Cocoa ;)

  2. lol, how sweet :)
    congratulations-the cider dress is sure cute!

  3. Oh, must've missed the giveaway...but wanted to comment on the cuteness of your sweet puppy pickin' out the name! Too cute! Hope you are well?! :)

  4. How darling is this! What a fun way to pick a name!
    Congratulations to the blessed winner. xoxo


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Have a happy, creative day.