
Friday, August 3, 2012

Campus Martius

 Last weekend we visited Marietta Ohio, where my Mother had lived for awhile as a child....

We visited among many other places, Campus Martius....You can read about it here.

This is the oldest building in Ohio and is located at the museum. 

I guess like me, it's moved  a few times ;)

Here's a shot of a wall inside the building. I thought the textures and layers of the hand painted wallpaper were interesting too...


  1. I love places like that, so much history. Gorgeous wallpaper and in good condition too for its ago and I do love that photo of the house being transported.

    Beautiful collars too Andrea!

  2. Your trip sounds soooo much fun!!!!
    I love to visit places like this too!!!
    Have a nice week end!


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