
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Working on my Patterns

I decided to go ahead and work on making a 'paper', already printed up version, of my tea bag wallet.It's one of my most popular items ~ and pattern making's been a goal of mine for awhile...
 I have 7 pages almost ready to go in pdf form (I think-cause I've never done pdf patterns before) and since I'm not too confident in those skills yet, I'm going this route~ to start at least.

Do people still order paper patterns online?
I hope.Sometimes I like pdf versions since you can work on them almost right away.
But sometimes I don't feel like printing up all of those pages.
 Plus, I can take them around to local shops :)
 Anyway... I'm hoping to get a good prototype made up by Saturday...
I'll be going to the Country Living Fair.
It's a super busy week, so I'm hoping to get the majority done today(:0)
I really like how this one turned out~especially the twine on the front...

 Thanks so much for yesterday's birthday wishes!!  :)


  1. one of your most adorable designs♥♥

  2. Oh, i love this! Such a great idea. And: Happy birthday daer Andrea - sorry i'm late for this. Hope you had a fantastic day!

  3. i can't wait! i'll be buying for sure, and hopefully getting other people i know to do so as well! it would make such a great go-to gift pattern...

  4. Oh my this is soooo darling....was it your birthday...soooo sorry I missed it...late birthday hugs to you. xoxox

  5. I love, love, love your tea bag cozies! Happy belated Birthday to you!


Thank you so much for reading my blog!
I really appreciate and read all of your comments.
I will try my best to reply here, within the comments section, or else on your own blog if you have one.
Have a happy, creative day.