
Friday, January 25, 2013

Sometimes It's The Little Things

Every so often I am just so happy about the littlest of things.
Today it was my brand new ironing board cover.
I go through covers quite a bit because I am always ironing-or pressing my projects ;)
Working on some new projects on this snowy day~I've finally gotten a bit of new inspiration.
I'll try and share a Valentine craft soon :)


  1. agreed! I need a new one myself .. thought I'd sew it myself .. have the fabric waiting there to do it .. you have inspired me to get it done!

    have a wonderful weekend! and happy friday! :o)

  2. I absolutely agree. It's the little things. And thank-you for reminding me that I desperately need a new ironing board cover.
    Melinda x


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Have a happy, creative day.