
Friday, July 11, 2014

Boho Headband

The headband from last post is now expired .I still have it if you like it -just drop me a message in the comment section : )
The fabric bundle is still in the shop for a few more days.

I also have this boho style headband-going soon...
These are pretty versatile and can be worn different ways-wide, or opened up a little more, with your bangs showing, or scooped back, perfect for keeping your hair away from your face, which is how I wore mine yesterday-no time for hairstyling-just a quick ponytail and a headband.

My Summer days have been super busy and I was hoping to get a trip away in, but I cannot figure out when that could even happen this year. I have a bazillion phone calls to make today and could hardly sleep just thinking about them all, lol. Needless to say, new projects have taken a backburner.The ideas are there in my head though-waiting for now....

Not sure if you saw, this past month I created an instagram page (is that the correct term?) which you can find here.It's still pretty new to me : )

I've also been knitting up potential gifts.I'll share those as soon as I can.

Have an awesome day!


  1. that is so cool that you started an instagram page! went to your etsy shop such cute designs love the wristlet!! you are sooo talent andrea!!
    xo katy


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I really appreciate and read all of your comments.
I will try my best to reply here, within the comments section, or else on your own blog if you have one.
Have a happy, creative day.