
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Back to School....Coupon Code

...for us that's in just a few days. Back to school that is...For you, the coupon code is right now ; )
Just in time for the 'new year'...
Take 10% off anything in the shop with coupon code:

You can find things like this kitschy kitten zipper pouch-nice for pencils and the like...

A little snap coin purse/card wallet-hold your lunch money?

A Denyse Schmidt boxy pencil pouch perhaps?

P.S-code expires Monday the 25th of August


Thank you so much for reading my blog!
I really appreciate and read all of your comments.
I will try my best to reply here, within the comments section, or else on your own blog if you have one.
Have a happy, creative day.