
Friday, January 2, 2015

Time for 2015

I hope you had a great New Year's celebration and holidays over the past month!

I feel like December 2014 disappeared in a blur of illness. 
One after the other we got the: going around stomach virus, flu, I had what the doctor originally thought was pneumonia, but when I had to go to the e.r later the same day with tachycardia, they discovered it was 'only the flu'. 
We keep passing all of this around, but I think it's on it's last person here. I hate being all cooped up in the Winter with no ability to open a window without freezing and airing some of the house out. I am so tired of wearing coats and bulky layers and so, long for the California sunshine and warmth again.
Rant done.
I'm ready for a change in 2015.


I've relisted some of my Valentine pouches.

Of course these would be great for Valentine's gifts, but they'd also be nice for bridesmaids presents, and other fun occasions too- or simply a: 'just because'. 
I plan on making more soon ~just because, I think they're so much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Andrea, i wish you a very happy, healthy and successful year ahead - fun, relaxation and peace!
    We have been under the weather a bit too here and i hope, good energy returns! xox


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Have a happy, creative day.