
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Tutorial for a Generous Zipper Pouch, Knitting Tool Bag or Makeup Bag

I like to make generous sized zipper pouches for knitting notions and other small projects. They're practical for 'on the go crafting' or to use for other things, such as a makeup or pencil bag.
I haven't been able to knit or sew as often as I want lately so I thought I'd start jotting down notes for tutorials as I go-If you like this pouch and don't feel like making your own-it will be in my etsy shop : )

with 16" circular needles-as you can see it will fit quite a few notions!
  • exterior: 2 pieces of canvas, linen  or heavier weight fabric 10.5 inches tall x 11 inches wide
  • lining: 2 pieces of quilter's weight cotton 10.25" x 11"
  • cotton batting- I used Warm and Natural 10.5" x 11"
  • 12 inch zipper -I used YKK
  • 1" wide twill tape tab or ribbon (optional) about 4 inches
  • basic sewing tools

To Make

Start by cutting out your pieces: Cut 2 exterior pieces 10.5 inches tall x 11 inches wide. 2 batting pieces the same dimensions as the exterior pieces and 2 lining pieces 10.25 inches tall x 11 inches wide (lining is cut shorter so it fits inside the bag nicer).
All seam allowances are 1/2" unless otherwise noted.

Lay one piece of exterior fabric onto a piece of the batting:

 Next, place the zipper, teeth down (flatter side facing you) and with the pull to the right . Pin and stitch with a zipper foot:

Next, lay the lining piece face down on top of the exterior/zipper/batting pieces so that both exterior and lining are right sides facing. Pin and stitch lining to exterior/zipper piece with your zipper foot:

Fold back pieces so they are wrong sides together and repeat for the 2nd zipper side and remaining fabric pieces in the same way (see photo below)

Now lay both sides away from the zipper and press, carefully avoiding the zipper teeth:
pieces folded away from zipper , ready to press.

On the front side of the bag and only on the exterior/batting piece (fold lining away), measure down 2 inches on the right side. Fold the twill tape in half and place raw edges of the tape just over the right side of the exterior piece.  Stitch with a narrow seam allowance.

Now separate the exterior and lining pieces as shown below.
Pin all the way around but first carefully line up the zipper, and aim the teeth toward the lining-(see photo below) pin in place on the zipper. Repeat for 2nd side.Take your time sewing here or you may break a needle and mess up your tension.

Stitch all the way around leaving a 3 inch opening for turning at the bottom of the lining piece.

With a water soluble or air dry fabric marker, and starting at the side and bottom seam line, measure and mark a 3/4 " square as shown

Repeat for 2nd exterior and both lining pieces.

Pin together carefully matching side and bottom seams. Pin and stitch.Go back over with a zigzag stitch within the seam allowance.
Turn the bag right side out and tuck the lining into the exterior. Your bag is now finished.

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