
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Multitasking~ A Glimpse into the Day

                  These are from Lakehouse Dry Goods

I have just put down a paintbrush and still have another coat to do. 
Meanwhile I'm doing a continuous stream of never ending laundry that has lasted days~ 
rotating between both the washer & dryer & folding. 

 In between, waiting for paint to dry, literally, and the spin cycle, I wanted to snap a few photos of my newest stash...

I needed to see if there was any new fabric at a local quilt shop and of course I couldn't leave empty handed ;)


These are from French General.The middle piece I am not sure on which project it will be put to use, but I am going to do something to the fabric first~ can you guess? I love the acorn!

I can hear that the spin cycle is over and the paint may almost be ready for that next coat. I will be grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning and helping to make pies for tomorrow and I also have plans to stitch up a few things and a new project idea that's just dying to be made~ phew.Let's see what I accomplish!!

In case I'm not back tomorrow to post...
~Happy Thanksgiving~

1 comment:

  1. Hello Miss Andrea! I just wanted to stop by on my rounds today to say how thankful I am for wonderful you! I have been inspired by all that you do and share here on your blog...and since it's my week to give shout outs to those I'm thankful for (Thanksgiving here in the USA tomorrow!) I thought I'd stop by and let you know.

    Cheers for a great Christmas Season, may you be blessed beyond measure!



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Have a happy, creative day.