
Monday, November 26, 2012

Things Done over the Weekend

weekend projects
 I made one of my curvy card wallets and a ?. Hmm... I've been thinking up an idea for a brooch and haven't quite figured out quite how I want it to look yet.
It looks like a piece was taken out of the side at '2 o'clock', but I just forgot to flip it out before snapping the picture.Why don't I notice these things before?

 I found some vintage haberdashery this weekend while antiquing. Thinking about adding vintage snaps and so forth to future kits. When I (finally)get my patterns made up ;)What do you think?
 A collar made with 'Petite Odile' prints from French General
Love :)

I find myself drawn to warmer dustier colors during the colder months.How about you?
I'm loving these prints-a touch of art deco.

Tomorrow I'll share a petite tutorial on the earwarmer I made.
Someone asked if I had bought it at a favorite store-I'll take that as a compliment ;)


  1. fun vintage finds .. and I love the "?."!!!

    Your creations always bring a smile!

  2. Ooooh - so pretty Andrea! Hope your tuesday is ovely and crafty!


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Have a happy, creative day.