I love color.
One of my favorite gifts when I was younger-o.k still is- was a box of Crayola crayons.
I used to organize the colors for hours and pretend they were people(!?!) I've probably mentioned this before. I probably shouldn't anymore ; )
The picture up there, is mainly for the color. I had another picture, or two I could have used, that were not blurry, but the colors weren't all that pretty in them and this one looks like the yarn is moving. Color in motion.
Under the skein are some paint chips because I need to get some painting done around here and as much as I love color, I always have a hard time choosing one for the walls. I've said that before too.
I have just finished a hat I made for someone I know with breast cancer. This is the second close relative that has been diagnosed in less than a year.
I'll post a picture of it when I'm done making up a little flower embellishment for it. It just needs a little extra something....I have made a lot of hats this year.
So last night I decided to make socks.

I think I have made 1 pair before and 1 here and there (non matching, if you knit, you know how it is with the 'second sock syndrome'). One day I'll get smart and knit them both on different needles at the same time or something.
Meanwhile this pattern called for a contrasting color. I decided to challenge myself-mainly because my mess is so challenging to dig through-and find a contrasting color by choosing the first one I saw in the stash. It looked o.k, though, very Christmasy,and that wasn't the look I was necessarily going for.

As I began to knit them together, I realized these colors are just not doing it for me. I don't know-not the same hue? What is the technical word? Value? I don't know....

I shouldn't have...

As you can see, I have a lot of sock yarn around here!
Oooh, all this knitting warms my heart! I love those little socks! knitting socks, at this point, kinda blows my mind. That is so awesome that you've knitted hats for your friends who've been dealing with cancer. i bet they felt so loved!~
Your blog always looks so nice Andrea! Great photos and fun stories.
Good luck on the socks, that's a good project for the coming winter!
I like the colors that weren't doing it for you! Maybe not Christmasy but they are still a fun combination:) They would look great as a scarf (I love scarves)
haha - i used to LOVE crayons too. everytime we'd go to the store, i'd beg my mom for a new box. it was my favorite thing to open up a fresh box of crayons and just look at their fresh pointy tips. during the summers at the lake, my whole extended family would play poker using my crayons as the chips, and i'd win them all back before the summer was over.
was looking at some wool just like the first ball in abakhan yesterday but i could not justify spending a tenner on a ball of wool!
love the blog!
Tomorrow x
Hi Andrea !
Sorry for the lack of visit, September has been such a super full month as you could see, but I guess it was the same for everyone !
I am no knitter at all, so I'm always in awe when I see someone build, create something from yarn. These yarn balls are always so delicious looking, it must be hard to resist !
Happy October, Andrea, and thanks a lot for visiting always oxoxox
I was on the Sew to Speak blog and saw your question regarding fabric shops in Cincinnati. I'm in the area, too. Unfortunately, I have not found one as awesome as Sew to Speak...probably good for my wallet! St Theresa Textile Trove in College Hill - www.sttheresatextile.com - is quite unique - tons of beads, oilcloth, batiks, some Alex. Henry, old Amy Butler, Tina Givens, Japanese/African/Hawaiian fabrics, etc. There are a few quilt shops around. I know of Best Friends on Colerain Ave. I saw some others on the Project 95 search site.
A little north, in Waynesville, is Fabric Shack - www.fabricshack.com . I have not been there, but my cousin says it is great. Waynesville also has several antique shops.
Welcome to the area! I've just been sewing for a year or so, and am trying to find out more about the local crafting community. I just saw something about Cincinnati's first indie craft show in November - http://craftysupermarket.wordpress.com . There is a big juried show this weekend at Lakota West High School.
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