Wednesday, March 2, 2011

C'est Deja Demain?!

This phrase popped into my mind when I was thinking of a title for today: "C'est Deja Demain", or "it's already tomorrow". I just now had to google what it was, and why I remembered it... Apparently they played reruns of "Search for Tomorrow" on t.v. in France, I never watched it-

That's how I feel this week.Completely lost track of what day it is. Where'd I lose Monday?
I guess I was in a flu medicine daze,lol ;)

Anyway, I started work on a new crochet hook organizer ~of course it's been awhile since I last made one so I almost forgot how!

Just trying to figure if I should add some buttons or not?
What do you think?

I bought some pretty new fabric today that I'll share and make some projects with soon :)


karuski said...

I think you should add some buttons:)
(you probably already know why I think this way LOL)

Hoping you'll feel better soon...


Jody McDowell said...

i always vote yes on buttons :)

Trisha Brink Design said...

Andrea, Oh my...I'm trying so hard to gather up the gumption to get back to working after all this sickness...I've missed whole days as well. You mean it's March??? Last I saw of the calendar, it was the 20's of February!!! :( Best wishes for an easy catch up...and yes...I think you should go for the buttons! :)

Martina said...

These buttons are so pretty - yes, add some! Aw, feel like you do - where are monday, tuesday and wednesday gone? Help!

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