Friday, March 11, 2011

Re~done, Do, Some Old, Some New

Here, last night, and this morning, it looked like a Winter Wonderland.
I was surprised when it all melted off, & the sun came out, I was able to go outside & take some new photos of some new, and older things.
There are quite a few photos in the shop that need re~done so I re~did a few. I could spend all day uploading and editing photos if I wanted to.
Here are 2 of the "re~dones" that were bothering me most.

And here are 2 of the new goodies I've made....

A new cup cozy, and a new mini crochet hook organizer in 'granny chic style'.
I'm contemplating offering a little discount if both items are purchased together-sort of a 'gift set discount'. Good idea? Or no?

I've been on a crafting spree as I just saw a view of my studio through a camera's lens and decided the only way to be able to organize this successfully is to use it up :)
~They're in the shop now~

Have a super weekend!

1 comment:

Martina said...

Pretty - love the matching pair in the last picture! Enjoy your sunday!

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