Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sale Reminder, Pattern Update

Just a quick reminder that the 20% off etsy-verysary sale is still on 'til tomorrow. (I haven't hit my goal yet). So close!
If I hit my goal by tomorrow, there may even be a special gift thrown in :)
Coupon Code:

I just realized/remembered-I had promised a giveaway tomorrow, and things have kept me so busy I forgot-better get to work on that today too!!

I keep fiddling with the pattern I'm working on. It's so funny. I really had no idea how to even start 'drawing' out this pattern until the other day-well o.k, I had free handed it pretty well-my brother even thought my freehand was impressive, but other than that, and scanning it into the computer, I really had no idea what I could do with the tools I had on hand. I had googled and searched for info online, 'til I could search no more. In the end-I think I didn't really know what to search for.
So, the other day with sheer determination, I sat down at the computer, uploaded the image into the art program I've had for years, and started clicking on some 'tools'. Then it just sorta clicked in my brain (pun, somewhat intended) as to what to do.
I've been tweaking, re -tweaking, & writing instructions ever since.
Even dreaming about the way I can improve my pattern(!)
When I finally had to give up for dinner last night, I had just figured out an an important technique, and it was hard to walk away from. I'm anxious to get back to work on it today :)

Decisions like: how many pages to have, or not have, (the goal is to have this in pdf format for the shop) knowing no one wants to use a cartridge of ink, or tons of paper printing it up, all while writing out clear instructions in as few words as possible...ahem ;)
I knew there was a lot to do when making patterns, however, I think I could get the hang of it. There will be ways to improve it, even when I think it's done. But I think it's turning out pretty good so far, considering.
I know there are other tools out there that would make this much easier to do-especially if I really knew what I was doing, lol.

Things like this tend to take me awhile tho', because I'm such a perfectionist. I think it's pushed me out of my comfort zone a bit and given me something new to be creative with...

I'm sure when it's all done, I'm (and others, lol) are going to be like: wow, this looks so easy-what took me so long?

Have you learned any new skills lately that you're using for your creative work?


Christie Cottage said...

I hope I can post to enter your giveaway!

I will be so happy when my new modem arrives!

Have a wonderful day!


Coloradolady said...

Thank you so much for stopping by and your well wishes! It has been a haul!! LOL

Have a great day.

Heather said...

The pattern sounds like fun! I am so bad about not following directions and just going 'eh, that looks right!' lol. I've been trying to sew more, but its been a while. i made a dress for my daughter for her birthday and was quite proud!~

karuski said...

Happy to hear you're busy!
Myself I've been learning how to photograph so that I can reach a certain atmosphere. It's a never ending process and that's why I love it.

Have a great day!

Solstitches said...

Lovely giveaway prize! I'd love to enter please.
My favourite item in your shop is the black and white French gingham pouch


Solstitches said...

I am a follower of your blog

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