Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Pistachio Gelato

When we visit Italy, we can never eat enough gelato~ bacio and stracciatella being favorites, among many others, mostly those involving chocolate : )

 When I lived in France, pistachio was one of my favorite flavors of ice cream.
It's not easy to find a store bought ice cream whose flavor reminds me of the ones I enjoyed there, here.They're usually very artificial tasting or colored.

Last year we bought an ice cream maker and recently we've checked out some ice cream books at the library ~ from this one...we've made several different flavors.
First up, pistachio.I have to say it was delicious!
We've also made chocolate and bacio.

Have you ever tried making your own ice cream?


vintage grey said...

So yummy!! Pistachio is my favorite, too!! We have a local Italian gelato shoppe, and he gets all of his pistachios from Italy, and it seriously is amazing!! I'll have to check out the book. We bought an ice cream maker last year and love using it during summer! Another favorite is Medjool date and coconut milk ice cream! Have a sweet day! xo Heather

Unknown said...

mmmm I♥Gelato!!! especially coconut!!!

pretty color pistachio is! my momma is the ice cream perfectionist .. she uses egg in her so it is really custardy .. mmmmm and vanilla bean.... I'm making myself hungry

Martina said...

Sound so delicious - oooooh, i crave this pistaccio gelato right now!

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