We made this wreath this past weekend using vines from our yard.The orange embellishments are from Joann's.
Fall, or Autumn here feels like Winter in California. I used to say Fall and Spring were my favorite seasons. I certainly don't remember it being this cold already!
It's been awhile since I lived in France but according to weather.com it's about the same there right now as it is here. Seems like we went from a hot humid Summer to cold and Winter~like overnight. Where was the 'happy medium' ?
What's your favorite season?
I'm trying to design a few new goodies for the shop and the design process is always the longest part for me....Stay tuned.
Your wreath is beautiful So simplistic and beautiful!
I used to think my favourite season was the Autumn too...but it's suddenly become REALLY cold here too over night...
Just in Calgary, Canada, they already have snow and -10degrees!!!That's WAY too early.
Looking forward to seeing your newbies in the Shop!
Have a lovely week.
Pretty wreath! It's so great that you were able to use vines from your own yard to make it.
what a pretty little wreath! And I agree, the temperatures seem to have gone in extremes...its chilly and rainy here...where are my crisp fall days???
Hi Andrea :)
Well, we're not in the extreme temps yet, but we sure have lost many degrees in just a couple of days. And we usually have almost the same kind of weather as California.
I hope you're perfectly settled now. :) have a great end of the week oxox
same here! we totally skipped fall...booohooo:( love the wreath!! xoxo...jenn
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