Friday, June 25, 2010

Some "landscape" and a new project

This'll be a quick post, as the kids are"starving"....Whenever I get on a working roll....something comes up....

I just listed this butterfly wristlet in the shop....I made a handle for it-so I guess it's officially a "wristlet"... I haven't gotten much interest in the ones in the shop-so I have a question for you....Is there something I could do to them to make them more interesting? Different kind of handle? Closure? Size? Patterns? I really enjoy making them. But only if others like them too ; )

This one has an applique I cut from an Anthropologie tea towel.... And a sprinkling of new and vintage buttons. I think it's just the right size to carry the essentials~or even as a pouch inside of a larger bag....

And some of my European vacation landscape photos:

whizzing past a Piedmont bridge

a heart carved into the wall beside a door in Munich

whizzing past some cows : )

O.k more later, they're really hungry, gotta go.
Happy crafting!

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