I've been crocheting up a storm. Or I should say 'we'.
I've discovered the yarn section at Joann and Michael's. Usually I go to the local Mom and Pop knitting shop, but when our closest one recently closed, (fortunately a new one opened nearby), I was left to look in the larger chains.
Now I'm getting addicted to some acrylics in colors I wouldn't have looked at much before. Like the one above on the bottom right. It's called 'pear'. The perfect name too. ; ) It's one of my new favorite colors....I've always liked this color, but I really like it lately.
I've seen it pop up in clothing a lot lately too in shades of chartreusy mustard pear & apple green ....
Do you go through 'stages' of favorite colors?
It's funny, when I buy yarn, I rarely ever buy my favortie color!
Sometimes I just walk down the isle not looking toward the yarn and see what catches my eye. Next is the fell test :-)
If I don't like the feel of the yarn, it's out.
I do that too- but it's taken me awhile to figure that out.. for some reason I was just buying for looks-then I realized some yarns I don't like to knit or crochet with...now I have a mental checklist of what to look for when I go :)
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