Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Floss Ends Field Study

I have been loving hand stitching around the details on some of my most recent projects. I'm not usually one who likes to hand stitch, but for some reason lately, I've even been blind stitching a lot my openings closed.

Anyway...I love this new Anna Maria Horner print, and decided hand stitching would again be fun here since the design is fairly big and the shapes would be easy to trace....
One of my favorite color combinations btw~ pink and orange! Toss in some turquoise and we're even better ;)

 For some reason on this bag, I thought it'd be fun to let the floss ends show. I just tied them in knots near the seams and added a touch of glue to keep them secure (hopefully ;0)
You can see one of the knots on this side of the zipper.

 What are some of your favorite color schemes ?

and another end on the inside of the bag, here :)
The bag is backed with cotton batting. I like how the texture looks like a favorite crinkly quilt.

~I'll be including this one in the shop soon~

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