Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Little Book Covers

 I was going through my vast fabric stash the other day. 
I have so much, and so much I may never use, I plan to start listing pieces soon...

 I asked my daughter to choose fabrics with a travel or international type theme for some passport covers I planned to make...
 I have quite a few with French or Parisian themes & think I used all of the ones that were big enough for these covers.

this one's already sold :)

 I also made up some notepad/sketchbook covers...
a Map of Paris Passport cover

Another notepad cover.

I also made up a composition book cover but she'll be keeping that one for herself.I'm not sure where the photo went so I'll share that next time : )

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So clever & absolutely Fun!!
.. love the maps.. makes me want to go for a trip!

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