Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Rephotographing for Autumn & Shop Photography Thoughts

Even though the weather isn't Fall-like here, (it is more hot- rainy- steamy)...I have been wanting to rephotograph the items in my shop -with a warmer Fall -like feel... I am trying to go with the warmer wood background at least for the colder months and we'll see how that goes.
Some of the backgrounds in my shop are not the same, as they were all taken at different times, so I want to make them more cohesive too...

trying to get close, without being too close 

My projects are usually smaller and have little embellishments I'd like to show off right away in a closeup, but it's so hard to tell what something is at first glance, if the main photo is zoomed in on a vintage button or bit of woven ribbon .

I like this photo, and how it shows off the details of the floral print and the vintage ribbon, but you cannot tell it is a pencil case.Even though I'd like to use it as a main photo, I probably wouldn't...
I prefer taking 'artsier' angles and very close closeups, (as seen mostly in my flickr pages). If I had my way I would have much larger photos with maybe a little inset photo of a detail in the shop.

I like taking pictures of groups of items, such as these coffee cozies.I may list them as a 'pick one or 2'  type listing.
Do you have a favorite way of photographing your projects?


The Feisty Redhead said...

I'm constantly struggling with photography for my crafts, especially larger items. I can't ever seem to get the right lighting. I think you have the right idea to make all your shots more cohesive. It's time consuming, but it's so worth it.

andrea creates said...

thanks...i agree my larger totes i have struggled with too.i like to get the whole bag into one shot and am never quite sure how to place the handles :)

Becca said...

I love seeing all the items you make! I like to photograph my hand made things outdoors…on a rock, the grass, whatever. However I live in Seattle, so that's not always possible, so I choose a natural background like a wood piece, and I do have a home made light box that's fun too.

andrea creates said...

becca-i always love your photos -thanks for the great tips...and for stopping by :)

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