Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Crochet Hook Organizers

I've been uncertain what to make lately, so I went through my binder(s) where I put the patterns I've designed, hoping to spark some inspiration.

I found my crochet hook organizer patterns, and since I haven't made any lately-and they're always popular, I made not one, but two : )

denyse schmidt fabrics

velvet ribbon tie closure.I can't remember if this one is vintage or not :0


dusty violet cozy

dusty blue lining and brown ribbon ties

with hooks

with pens

As you can see, these could be used for pens and pencils too-great for artist's on the go.

If you like the Denyse Schmidt fabric used on the exterior of the roll, I have a fat quarter of it in the shop~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

clever ~ and the sweetest fabric ever!

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